Welcome to my class this year! I'm so excited to get to know each of you better and to work with you to succeed in math. Please use this blog page to keep up with your assignments - we will be having assignments daily and I will be posting them on this blog for your access. Thanks so much and let me know if you have any questions! Signed disclosure statements and student contact and info sheets will be due Monday August 30. Thank you!
--Ms. McMurtrey
Math 7 Disclosure: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B2efHHwrzo7bMGJjY2QyNmMtODE5Ni00MjJkLTlkNzMtNjYzY2Y0NDdmYTc0&hl=en&authkey=COzd9MUM
Pre-Algebra Disclosure: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B2efHHwrzo7bMzBmNGJkY2MtZTQ5Yi00NjA3LWFhZDctZjVhNWE4OGZmOGVm&hl=en&authkey=CM30o6wI
Algebra 1 Disclosure: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B2efHHwrzo7bMTRjYjM2NzUtNDAwYi00MGIxLWE5OTctYmE3MGI3ZmMzOWZh&hl=en&authkey=CJzftcgI
Student Contact and Info Sheet: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B2efHHwrzo7bZjZjNTcwMzctODVkZS00ODZiLWI0NGItZGYyNTE0ZjAyNDc3&hl=en&authkey=CMmooo4O