1ST PERIOD: Finish the Fibonacci part of today's in class wksht! https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2efHHwrzo7bbWRZbFJtM1FwQkU/edit?usp=sharing
COMMON CORE MATH 7: No Homework!
SECONDARY MATH 1: Wksht 5.1D Function Operations at https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2efHHwrzo7bWGNReFlFcTBFYkk/edit?usp=sharing
ALGEBRA 2: Pg 913: 20, 22 and Pg 919: 3-12, 36-38, 51
COMMON CORE MATH 7: No Homework!
SECONDARY MATH 1: Wksht 5.1D Function Operations at https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2efHHwrzo7bWGNReFlFcTBFYkk/edit?usp=sharing
ALGEBRA 2: Pg 913: 20, 22 and Pg 919: 3-12, 36-38, 51